Thursday, October 27, 2011

Cleaning, insulation, plastering, drywall, window trim...

We spent a bunch of time cleaning the whole place before the inspector came through.
 master, looking to bathroom
 looking from master to the rest of the house
 looking down the basement steps
 looking up the second floor steps
 We've had many more late night plastering sessions.
 Here is what the spray-foam insulation looks like in the roof lines:

 And in the master, front wall.
 The drywallers began today and I was amazed how much one guy hung in one day!
 These are insulated radiant tubes that run from the first and second floors to the basement, where they will hook into the system.
 It is so much fun for me to see the nursery take shape!!
It is a tiny, little, cozy room that will be perfect to bring our little peanut home too!
 Jesse has been working on putting the profile piece of exterior window trim on so that we can work on the finish coat of plaster outside.  We are planning to do the finish coat on the high sections of the house yet this fall (while we still have the lift) and they wait until the spring to do the lower sections.

We are doing our best to achieve our goal of being in the house by Christmas... 
if we don't make that...
definitely by February, when our little one is expected to arrive.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! The drywall makes it look so much more finished! Such a cool nursery. Those large windowsills will be wonderful for all baby's little things.
