Tuesday, August 30, 2011

We survived Irene!

Two big pieces of news from us little pigs...
1. We survived Hurricane Irene with no damage to the house.
2.  We finished stacking bales!!!!!

 The kitchen
 Cleaned kitchen
 Saturday we had a "stuffing party" with our small group from church.
 We went around and stuffed loose straw between bales, around windows and anywhere there was a hole.

 Jeremy and Jesse working on the last few bales.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Gable end and kitchen

 Gable end from the inside
 Above: Windows over the kitchen sink.  Super excited about those!!

Wait... how did that picture get on here?!  
Guess I'm just a proud aunt!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Jesse and I decided to make a deadline for this house project!!!
I'm due February 14th... Valentines day!!

More bales

 Progress from last week.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Straw e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e

What a funny thing to see when you are driving down the road.
It is not uncommon for a car to drive past real slow with someone hanging out the window, taking pictures.
 back of master
 side/back of master
 I don't know but, I'm thinking we don't even need a bed.  The floor of the bedroom looks pretty comfy!

 Ben using a sledge to beat a bale into place.
 Jas and Jesse working on the peak of the gable end.

 The Benners re-tying a bale to fit.
 Cedar made himself right at home.

 Master after major straw clean up.

 Front windows in master.  We are planning on putting a built-in window seat/storage area under the windows... hence no bales.

 What my living room looks like right now.

The most tedious part of this bale process is making the bales the right size in order to fit in place.  This involves re-trying and chainsawing the bales.  The master went so fast because basically the whole side wall used full bales that didn't have to be cut around windows or anything.  

Jesse's having the time of his life!!!