Friday, February 18, 2011

T-Shirt Weather

 Early this week Mike and Jesse worked on the roof line
in the back of the house...
 This is how the kitchen roof line will look.
 The two french doors, looking over the back yard.
 Thursday afternoon Jesse and I got the master suite floor ready for concrete to be poured.
 I was the foam girl.  My job was to fill each and every crack.
 We were hoping the mud wasn't going to be too bad for the concrete truck.
But, apparently it was.
 Jesse called the neighbor farmer who brought over his big tractor to pull the concrete truck out of the mud.
Thank you Mr. Hess!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Windy Day of More Framing

 Yes, I'm a girl... and yes I use a hammer with 2 hands.
At least I am hammering!  Aren't you proud of me?
 Jesse and Kenny worked on the back, angled wall where two glass, french doors will look over the back yard, from the dining/living room.

(Notice the ladder in the background, in a pile of snow!  It was so windy things were flying all over the place!!)
 Second floor looking towards the master suite.
Rachel and I shoveled snow and ice off of the unfinished floor in the master suite, hoping to not hurt the exposed radiant floor tubing.  Hopefully this week the sun will melt everything and maybe we can pour the concrete over it.

Framing Progress

Early this week Jesse built the walls for the mudroom and powder room.
Mike and Ben came to work with Jesse on Friday.
 and they built the section between the main house and master suite.
 This is a large window opening that is directly above the office/desk area.
Hoping maybe it will be easier to write our bills if I am looking at that view!!
 Here you can see the different roof lines between the sections.

Friday, February 4, 2011

one day... ONE DAY!

Yes, they are that good.
Jesse, Mike and Ben worked at framing the house yesterday.
I am so impressed with what they got done in one day.
 front/side of the house
back of the house
That was Thursday.
Today they were at it again and finished the rafters on the second floor.
More pictures to come.
 (when the sun comes back up!!)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Thankyou PBZ truck driver!

Before Jesse could really get started with the framing of the house, he needed a steel beam delivered to help carry the weight from the second floor.  We had the delivery penciled in for Tuesday, but we were also scheduled for an ice storm that same day.  The awesome guys at Paul B. Zimmerman's braved the ice and made it happen!
The truck and beam showed up late morning
along with a surprise guest...Larry Stoner... who was a huge help in placing the beam.
The tires needed a little extra help from stones and ashes
(after the truck slipped sideways a few feet),
but the driver was a champ and made it out... with a toot (!) from his horn to celebrate.