Yesterday was a freezing, productive day for us.
Jesse and I plumbed the master suite!
It snowed the entire day, with only breaks for a few minutes at a time.
Cedar was a huge help in keeping me warm. Whenever I would take a break, he would run over and sit on my lap to keep me warm... or maybe it was to keep himself warm...
I spent most of the day digging holes and trenches for the pipe to lay in.
Master plumber himself.
I fought with these squirrely water supply tubes for what felt like an hour. We insulated them with the black foam that you can see, however the white tubing was just a tad too wide and coiled to make the insulation slide on easily.
When I look at this picture above, it looks like we didn't do much, but I have proof...
Half of what we did is buried under the stone and comes out of this hole that we pounded through the cement block. The electrical tubes, phone wire tubes and a copper wire for the electical system are all buried under the stone. The water supply lines are partially under the stone and we will eventually bury all the PVC also.
We were very pleased with how things went with the plumbing. Now we wait and get a review from the true master plumber, this week, and cross our fingers that the system will pass the pressure test!!